Friday, 7 October 2011

How to make animations using photoshop

First open up Photoshop. That seems an obvious step, but you have to start somewhere. Once you open Photoshop you must set the color to RGB and the resolution of 72 dpi. This is web standard and it saves you a lot of headaches in the future. The size in pixels, and what size you want. If you are going to make an animated ad, it would be best for an IAB standard ad format to use.

animations using photoshop
This simple animation combines the two most common animation techniques in Photoshop: Turning layers off and on, and using the Tween command to animate the movement of an object on a layer.

Step 1: Set up your layers.

animations using photoshop
The first step in creating any animation in Photoshop is to build a layered Photoshop file with all the elements you plan to animate. Our example document has 7 layers containing the text for our countdown, and layers for the rocket and flame.

Step 2: Create Animation Frames with Layer Visibility.

animations using photoshop
Chose Windows > Animation to show Photoshop’s animation palette.

On the first frame, turn off visibility for all layers you do not want visible at the start of your animation. Then add one frame at a time, and turn on the layers you want visible for each step in the animation.

Changing layer visibility one frame at a time is a classic Photoshop animation technique that covers a wide variety of needs.

In our example, continue this pattern to reveal the countdown and the flame at the bottom of our rocket.

Step 3: Create Animation Frames using Tween.

animations using photoshop
Now that the countdown is complete, we need to create the illusion that our rocket ship is taking off. Add one more frame, and this time select the group called “Rocket” in layers and move your rocket off the top of your image window.

Then choose “Tween…” from the Animation palette’s pop-out menu.
animations using photoshop
Set how many frames to add, and Photoshop spreads the movement of your layer across those extra frames.

Step 4: Adjust your Timing.
animations using photoshop
Finally, go back through and adjust the delay for each frame of your animation. That time is shown in seconds below each frame.

Tip: You can hold down the Shift-key to select a range of frames (such as the 9 frames we added for the rocket’s takeoff) and change them together.
Step 5: Export the Animated GIF.

Finally, to export your animated GIF choose:

In Photoshop CS3: File > Save For Web & Devices…

In Earlier Photoshops: File > Save For Web…

animations using photoshop
Make sure the image type is set to GIF, feel free to experiment with some of the other options, and save your file.

Adobe Photoshop Elements Tutorial Free

Adobe Photoshop Elements Tutorial Free
Adobe photoshop elements tutorial free if you still have unanswered questions about software such as Adobe Elements, the various elements versions, what you can do with Adobe Elements, Photoshop Elements and how to apply, and where to find Adobe Elements video tutorials, this tutorial will answer Adobe Photoshop Elements them for you, as well as revealing some helpful tips Adobe Elements

Adobe Photoshop is the secret tool for professional photographers take great pictures is still a challenging program to learn. Given the learning curve that Photoshop requires a lot of everyday photographers feel intimidated by the program. Because of this, Adobe has introduced Photoshop Elements, a "lite" version of their popular programs. Adobe Elements has many of the same tools and features as Photoshop is much easier to learn and master.

What makes elements different from Photoshop?

Contains many elements of the same features and tools such as Photoshop. For example, both programs allow you to solve lighting problems, remove unwanted items, red-eye, and a variety of projects including scrapbooks, calendars and cards. These are just a few of the similarities between the programs. The main difference between the programs is that Adobe Elements is much easier to learn because it is easier to use interface. This advantage may be a newcomer to the program a quick assimilation so you can start working with your photos almost instantly. With Photoshop you can spend months learning all the tools and features.

I can find tutorials for Adobe Elements?

Whether you decide to use Photoshop or Elements you wish to view tutorials, to get on the right foot. You will find an array of tutorials available in various media, including online tutorials, DVDs or CD-ROM. Tutorials a great way to learn about the tools available (and how to find them) and show you several shortcuts to the various instruments. You can use several tutorials that focus on a number of features and you should expect to learn how to use text with your photos and the use of special effects, masks, layers, and a few other things.

What can I do with the latest version of Adobe Elements?

Whether you want an old photo or crop unwanted items in your images, the tools available in Adobe Elements 8 to recover will allow you to achieve your goals. It is a sad twist of fate that the pictures were taken years ago, will fade or get worn from handling. The built-in instruments, including the blurring and sharpening tools can help you recover your beloved memorable and keep them for future generations. Another common problem is to have red eyes staring back out at you. Regardless of your skill or the cost of your camera red-eye is a problem that even experienced professionals. Using the red-eye reduction tool can this problem be solved with a simple click of the mouse, not only of humans but of our four legged friends.

Adobe Elements Tips:

a) Combine multiple images using Photomerge feature and a seamless panorama. Further improve by using the rotate, zoom and pan tools.

b) Scroll through the different blend modes by pressing Shift + to the next mode and shift - to the previous one. These shortcuts can quickly view all modes rather than single click and view them.

c) Remember to use the picture package option to print all photos in various print size on a page.

Photoshop Video Library - Video Tutorials for Learning Photoshop

Photoshop Video Library - Video Tutorials for Learning Photoshop
We love to take pictures every now and then. Digital cameras have helped us to upload the pictures on our computers when we clicked. We can even remove some of the bad images from the camera.

Very often we take pictures that are good, but they miss something, sometimes the pictures are too bright, while at other times the light is less. These days you can even have the option of editing the pictures and making them perfect. You should be aware of the software programs available for those days that can help you easily edit.

But there are very few people who really know how to edit photos using the software. You might have heard of Photoshop.

You can download or buy this software to use to make your photos more attractive and you can start selling them through various websites and eventually make money. But you know how to use Photoshop. Using this software is not an easy task if you do not learn how to use it.

You do not have to worry because there are certain websites that you can offer good tutorial video to learn how to use Photoshop in a few easy steps. You can sign up for any of these websites and take a look at the video tutorial.

To learn Photoshop elements on your way this can be one of the best ways. The website promises to learn the Photoshop Elements within 2 hours. You just need the video and then on follow the simple elements and to the right place to click.

There are at least 30 sets of video tutorials offered by these websites. These tutorials will help you master Photoshop like never before. Once you learn how to use it you can start editing your photos and surprise your family and friends.

There are many people who are not sure whether these tutorials will work for them or not. You do not need to worry. If you are unsure then please visit the testimonials written by users. You'll see that most of these users are not aware of the Photoshop Elements before they had access to the videos.

But with the help of the tutorial videos can they work like a pro. It is very important to find the right kind of videos for yourself. There are few websites that can provide these kinds of videos, but they all might not be of superior quality.

Create Pearly, White Teeth Using Photoshop

Create Pearly, White Teeth Using Photoshop
Open the image in Photoshop, preferably in a JPEG format. The first step in the direction of pearly white teeth is focus on the environment ie the teeth using the Lasso tool.

Now go to the vertical menu bar, and select the Dodge tool. This used to be part of a photo or image lighter. Using the Dodge tool will brighten the selected area (the teeth) in the picture. The Dodge tool is an excellent option that can be used around the eyes, teeth bleaching or other areas of your image that you want lit.

The next step is brushing the teeth, literally. Go to the brush drop down menu and choose a fuzzy brush. Make sure the size is optimal when working with a brush that is too small or too large can affect the overall quality of the image. Try choosing a size as accurately as possible, a balanced and natural effect.

Select 50% exposure as a natural brightness that goes well with most pictures. Now even the Dodge tool moves over the teeth to whiten them. You can adjust the exposure if you keep the teeth looking "unnatural" white.

Use the "magnifying glass" icon in the toolbar to zoom in on the area where you work. Lets take a look at the area and then take so run the brush over the teeth. Use slow movements without letting go of your mouse, and enter your brush as often as you like until the desired whiteness is achieved.

If you think you exaggerated the whitening, you can easily fix. Click Edit> Step back and you will have a lighter tone to go, or you can use the "Fade Dodge tool in the edit area to use the entire whitening effects fade. You can use this as per your needs and preferences.

Make sure no bumps in the selected area, and you have not left out any patches perhaps odd in the final product. The teeth should be evenly lit and any stains or imperfections must be corrected.

When the desired brightness and whitening is reached, desaturate the photo. Select the 'Desaturate' tool to even out the whole area where you used the Dodge tool.

This is just one of many ways to whiten teeth in a natural and simple way. To learn such techniques and methods, you must register for a Photoshop tutorial or training and gain full insight into the various aspects of Photoshop.